I’ve been avoiding writing about something. I guess I was trying to protect and hide myself. This whole writing thing feels a little uncomfortable when I remind myself that I need to always remain authentic and honest. Those are two traits that are very important to me and I want to stay true to them.
I have not been feeling well. I mean, yeah I have health issues, but I feel like I’ve somehow leveled up.
Sometimes it’s easy to be open about my health, but then other times it’s just not. Sometimes I feel like if I talk about it, people will get tired of listening to me whine and complain.
I can easily go into “hide mode” when I’m not feeling well. I think part of that is self preservation.
Anyway, I don’t really know why I’m feeling so rundown and defeated… but that’s an accurate overall assessment.
I am seeking for answers. I had a medical test last week that came back normal and I have another coming up in a couple of weeks. I’m also getting a new referral for a specialist that I should have seen long before now.
I’m really hoping I can find some real answers soon so that I can come up with my plan to feel better.
I’m really tired of feeling tired.
That’s the truth.