I haven’t published any writing in over 3 months! This doesn’t mean I haven’t written anything. I have actually written several things, but I’ve been talking myself out of publishing anything because they haven’t felt “perfect” or “good enough”. I feel like every time I write something, I need to go back through it twenty times to make sure it makes sense and will feel relevant to my readers. Maybe I’m putting too big a qualifier on it. Maybe I’m gripping it too hard. Maybe I just need to let even the rough stuff be out there just so it doesn’t stay hidden here within me. I want my writing to continue to develop and get better. I’ve felt like it needs to get better and better for me to share it. I need to get back to the reason I started writing this blog in the first place… to express whatever I want with no limitations or judgement on myself. I want my experiences to touch and inspire someone else… I believe this is relevant and important to my personal journey.
I love writing… it’s in my core… I need to let it flow.
Time to see if I can push myself forward and let even more of my imperfections show.
Do it Peggy! Do it anyway, even if it’s not perfect!