Day SEVEN ~ Oh Happy Day

Tomorrow I go back to work after having two weeks off for spring break. Having a break and a change of pace is good, but I’m anxious to get back to my kids.

I’m working as a paraprofessional at a high school in the SpEd department. Sometimes, I feel like I have to pinch myself that I’m actually working there and getting to do what I do.

Some people, probably a lot of people, would say I’m crazy to feel that way about my job. I can’t help it. It’s deeply fulfilling for me. It was unexpected and it’s completely wonderful.

I know that there was divine intervention in being guided to this job. You can call it God, or the stars aligning, or whatever, but the fact is, I know I was sent there.

I had just been offered a similar position at my own boys’ school. It was a job I had been working towards getting because it just made sense to be at the school where my boys were. That same day I got a call asking me come in for an interview at this high school. There was something in the warmth of the voice on the phone. It felt welcoming. I figured there was no harm in going and checking out my options and seeing what would happen.

Within a few moments of walking into my interview, the assistant principal asked me if that was an insulin pump in my pocket. It turns out, she was also a type 1 diabetic. Just so you know, that’s a pretty rare occurrence. I haven’t met many type 1’s face to face in my day to day life. We hit it off instantly and she offered me the position on the spot.

After a day or so of pondering, I determined that I would take this job instead of the one at my boys’ school. It didn’t make sense on paper. It would definitely be the bigger challenge in working out my schedule and I didn’t know anyone at this school. I’d also be working with much older kids when I had originally planned to work with elementary age kids. Of the two choices, this one was the one that would stretch and challenge me more, but there was no denying it felt like the right choice.

On my first day of work, I met a boy who I would quickly feel a special connection to and protection over. It didn’t take long to realize he was the reason I had been sent there. We shared something that no one else working in the department could understand to the same level. Among a variety of other disabilities, he was also a type 1 diabetic just like me.

After almost six months at my job, I’ve been able to establish myself as his primary caregiver at school. It has not been easy and I’ve had to use my voice to speak out many times to finally reach this point. Every obstacle has been worth it to know that what I do on a daily basis makes an impact, that only I can make, by using my own life and experiences to give him the care and support he deserves.

I can hardly wait to see him tomorrow! It will be like seeing one of my own sons. He will smile when he sees me and so will I when I see him. It will be a happy day.

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