It was a brilliant first day back to work!
Within minutes of the kids arriving, there was an enthusiastic, “Holy f*#% !” ringing through the air. It was a perfect execution of the sentiment.
I almost yelled out, “Amen!” & “Hallelujah!”
I did actually chuckle to myself. I felt joy in the fact that he was able to communicate his true feelings and most likely, the feelings of every child in that room.
I mean really, how do you feel when you return to work after having some time off?
Then, at the same time, I felt an instant sense of compassion for this kid… and each of his classmates. Having to return to school, where they are uncomfortable and required to push through their obstacles and fears. It’s not for the weak.
If you watch closely, you will discover that these “disabled” kids are perfect communicators. They are honest and pure in heart. They are brave.
There’s a gross misperception that individuals with “disabilities” must be weak and incapable. Reality is, they are some of the strongest individuals within our world. The “normal” people can learn so much from them if they are willing to take their eyes off themselves and actually see the disabled for the truly remarkable and strong people they are.
We can all be better off for taking note of the importance of expressing ourselves honestly in our own way. We are designed to be social beings that use their voice to connect to one another.
Stop keeping all the, “Holy f*#%’s” locked inside.